board and train

  • 4 Week Board and Train - $3,000

    We only take in a select few dogs at a time for our in-home board and train program so they each get the time and attention they need. Beyond just obedience, they will learn the skills to be calm in the home with you and quiet in the crate. They will travel with us so they can experience new places, people, dogs, sights and sounds. All training will be on leash and dogs will learn Come, Sit, Down, Heel, Stay, Place, Leave It, Yes and No.

    At the end of this program, you will come for a lesson and learn everything you need to know about handling your dog and their new training. You will also be able to test for the CGC certificate.

    Belgian Malinois practicing obedience on a place platform
  • 6 week Behavior Modification Board and Train - $5,000

    This program is for any dog who has shown aggression, has bit a person or dog, or tried to bite a person or dog. Your dog will learn on the same commands and behaviors as the 4 Week Board and Train, in addition to modifying their aggressive behavior.

    Belgian Malinois and Dutch Shepherd holding down stay outside

Contact us today to get started!